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How to change your main water pipe.

Maintaining your plumbing is great. It helps keep your pipes working well, but it doesn’t guarantee that your pipes will not deteriorate eventually.   The main water pipe is connected to your home from your water meter. In the winter, pipes may freeze up and crack or burst. Hazardous corrosion […]

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Lowering Your High Water Pressure.

Low water pressure sucks! You can barely get any water from the tap, sometimes the toilet won’t flush and taking a shower takes FOREVER! You’d probably love the thought of high water pressure, right? WRONG. It’s the leading cause of leakage, pipe damage and wasted water. That basically results in […]

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Get Your Drain Trap On!

What’s a drain tap?   They’re basically that squiggly set of pipes underneath your sink and are usually made up of PVC or steel. They’re made that way to ensure that they always keep some water in them, so that they can prevent sewer gases from leaving the pipes and […]

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Plumbing Problems!

Houston, we’ve got a problem – a plumbing problem! Those pipes and drains keep giving you problems? Do they wait until the MOST INCONVENIENT moments to clog, leak and burst? We know how annoying that can be! Here’s a list of the 10 most common and most annoying plumbing emergencies […]

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Outdoor Plumbing Woes!

  You probably don’t know it, but most of the plumbing for your home is located on the outside of your house. Why? First off, if you had all the pipes that are outside your home, on the inside instead, it would look horrible! Secondly, the portable water supply comes […]

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Why’s your septic tank backing up?

Septic tanks aren’t the most pleasant systems to deal with. You especially don’t want to have to deal with septic tank backups. You need to get professionals to help you deal with issues like that, because diagnosing and attempting to repair a septic blockage could result in methane gas poisoning. […]

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Is Your Plumbing Trying to Tell You Something?

What’s that weird noise? Do you hear gurgling or bubbling sounds? Do you smell something absolutely awful in the bathroom? Your plumbing system may be talking to you!   A plumbing system often shows signs of possible problems.   Slower drains take forever to empty the shower and they make […]

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What’s so bad about liquid drain cleaners?

The drain’s clogged again! What are you going to do? You’ve tried everything, but nothing’s working. So you give up and go buy a liquid drain cleaner, right? WRONG! This is a bad choice for the following reasons: – The possible harmful effects it can have on your pipes. Some […]

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Do Trees Grow in Pipes?

The beauty of the trees in Toronto’s gorgeous neighborhoods provides a covering of shade for people strolling in the streets to enjoy. They are lovely to look at and they house little critters and birds. Their roots might not be the most thrilling thing about them though.   Tree roots […]

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Is Something Leaking?

  Is there mold or mildew building up around the tub? Stains, sags or bubbles in the ceiling or on the wall? Is there a musty smell in the bathroom all the time?   If so, these may be signs that you’ve got a plumbing leak somewhere! You may not […]

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